A Library at work?

Last year I was involved with the redesign of our offices to make them more google-esque.  Well in reality it was to make more people fit in less space.  This makes people panic; we are a territorial species.  We like sitting in our desk (seriously, I don't care if you've broken health and safety rules and put a coat on the back of the seat, move now).  But this move to agile working (which is the very opposite to agile delivery teams) is happening increasingly.  Before you decide to hate it, give me a shout because I think I love it.  Of course, it is not just about pods and project spaces and non-bookable meeting rooms, it is about using space to invest in your employees.  We did this via a games room and also via my favourite space - THE LIBRARY!  It is a quiet space; no talking and definitely no phones.  It has a sofa, it has desks with chairs, it has a high backed comfy chair.  It has lots of bookshelves.  Full of books.  All donated by employees.  We drop off books we have read there and we take away books we fancy trying.  There are no rules about borrowing just an encouragement to enjoy reading.  It has resulted in a book club being formed.  I took the pictures to show the variety available and also that it is there in times of stress (I am probably leaving my company soon and you will see a hint why in the pictures).  If you ever have the opportunity, try and encourage a library at work.  We need to remember to take a break.


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