Mud By Emily Thomas


I was drawn to it in the yellow van as it is shortlisted in the Leeds Book Awards.  It is in the 11-14 categories and I'm a bit (well considerably) older than that but decided I should give it a go anyway.


Otherwise known as amazon spiel:
It's 1979, and thirteen-year-old Lydia has no idea how she'll cope when her dad announces that the family has to sell up and move onto a Thames sailing barge in Essex. With his girlfriend. And her three kids.
Between trying to keep her clothes dry in a leaky cabin, disastrous hair-dye attempts, awkward encounters with local boys, and coping with her suddenly enormous and troublesome family, Lydia fears she'll sink rather than swim . . .
At turns heartbreaking and uplifting, through Lydia's innocent and perceptive voice we find out that while the mud may stick, the tide can turn - and in unexpected and joyful ways.

Perfect for fans of Louise Rennison, Hilary McKay and Rae Earl

Rusty words ***

I enjoyed this and was taken back to teenage years of adoring the Adrian Mole books; it was a world that was common to me but would instil shock in to some readers (not having a phone would we cope now?).  I loved Lydia's new found best mate; her character made me laugh out loud.  The beginning and end of the book were gripping; I just felt I got a little lost in the middle.  There were parts of the story that were unresolved at the end but I am afraid that is real life and yes sometimes real life can by very muddy.  Give this book a chance whether you fit in to the age category or not.


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