The Macroodelzig by Beffy Parkin


See my post "Review or not to review?", I volunteered to review this!  


Otherwise known as amazon spiel:

Not all pets are sweet and fluffy, some are silly, chaotic and scruffy.

Rusty words  ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ 

"Just because she's quirky, doesn't mean she's no good! We're on the same wavelength, we're misunderstood!"

I love this book.  As stated in my Amazon review, it is Julia Donaldsonesque but funnier and with a nice moral undertone.  The illustrations by Tommings are brilliant; simple, funny and bright.  They fit perfectly with the story.

We read this the first time with both my four and eight year old.  It stimulated some good conversations.  When the eight year old asked why there was a Mama and a Mum, eyes were rolled by the four year old as he reminded his sister that two ladies can fall in love and have babies.  "Of course!" was the response and we carried on with the book.

We're all a bit quirky and different, and why shouldn't our pet be the same? In fact, the Macroodelzig reminded both my kids of our crazy cat who thinks he is a dog. Great book, we all enjoyed it.  The most important thing to note is that it has been requested and read a few times since.  It will soon be added to the many children's books I can quote without having the book to hand.

As an aside, Beffy's blog is worth a read and you can also find her on twitter@beffyparkin.


  1. CUTE!

    This is the second time in two days I've heard of this book. I always figure when I keep hearing about the same book over and over, it's a sign that I need to read it. :)

  2. Definitely Stephanie! I'm keen to read your children's book review. Let me know when it's done.


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