Book Blogger on holiday

I have been missing for the whole of August. I have felt guilty about not posting. And also sadness. Then I realised this was ridiculous. This blog is supposed to be for me. It is. Honest.

So why haven't I posted? Many reasons. I am in the middle of a life change. I have taken redundancy from a company where I have worked for 15 years. 15 years is a big hunk of life and a lot has happened in that time. My workplace though has remained static. And stable. Predictable perhaps. This process of deciding to leave that stability has affected my sense of self and strangely, affected my love of reading. My mind has been so busy deciding what to process and what to ignore that there wasn't space for books. That made everything else more difficult to deal with.

On top of that, I had a normal excuse - summer holidays! I have two minis and the above has allowed me to have a bit more fun with them so my next posts won't even be book related (although I'll tell you what I've read!) But holiday related. I want to share some holiday joy.

Anyway, how will this span out going forwards? I don't know. I start a new job next week. And, because I have some strange inbuilt urge to over commit and achieve everything that I've ever considered, I also start my MA as well. Back to university after 20 years! I'm hoping that I will still find time to blog because I need to share my book reviews and remind myself what I love and hate. And hopefully someone will read them.....

So, my questions for you - is it ok to have a blog break? And, more importantly, what are your tips for the first day in a new job?



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