"You can never get a cup of tea large enough, or a book long enough to suit me"

The words of C S Lewis and so true. I love reading and write very succinct reviews in my bullet journal just to remind me if I loved the book and will be returning to its magic, if it will be lost in the echoes of my mind or if I just stopped (I do not believe I have time to waste on books that do not give me joy). This is going to be an online version of my what, why and when with a few words to support. I hope maybe it helps someone else find some books to read. Give me a shout (comments or rustybooklove@gmail.com ) if you have any recommendations or book chat. I'm a kindle lover but currently returned to real books just because they feel good. Below is my current pile to be consumed. We'll find out as we go on how discriminatory I am in terms of genre.......