Into The Water by Paula Hawkins

Why? Basically because my mum handed it to me and said "It's written by the same woman who did "the Girl on the Train" but it is much better, Much." What? Otherwise known as amazon spiel: Just days before her sister plunged to her death, Jules ignored her call. Now Nel is dead. They say she jumped. And Jules must return to her sister's house to care for her daughter, and to face the mystery of Nel's death. But Jules is afraid. Of her long-buried memories, of the old Mill House, of this small town that is drowning in secrecy . . . And of knowing that Nel would never have jumped. Into The Water Amazon Rusty words *** "The river can go back over the past and bring it all up and spit it out on the banks in full view of everyone, but people can't. Women can't." This is a book that requires reflection. It was not difficult to read but difficult to articulate or even understand how much I really liked it. T...